Terms & Conditions

Order can make via phone, sms, email, yahoo massenger and online order. All price include transport charge and no any hidden cost. Express delivery post for outside town can make 24-48 hours to reach, delivery direct by hand inside town only make 2 hours for reach after payment is confirmed. Our business hours is 24 hours and 7 days a week but we shipping on office hours only for outside town and from 10:00 am to 02:00 am for direct delivery by hand.

Some of goods will warranty 30 days - 7 days* and no money back guaranty.

Please attach you name, address, email (not required), items and quantity for order. The dealing will complete after we confirm your payment by shown the proof of payment made like date, time, bank name or reference no.

We only accept paymet via Maybank, CIMB, Public Bank, RHB Bank and cash for by hand delivery.

Minimum order is RM50.00 for Express Delivery and RM20.00 for by hand delivery.

Find cd key or serial number for PC games

Some game needs a serial number, password or cd key to install the games. You can find that key by explore the 'Disc'. Ussually, the key will found at 'crack' folder. You try find 'keygen' file by generate it. This 'keygen' file can use for each time you want to try install by click 'generate'. This means, the key will change every time you push generate button.

If there is no 'keygen', you can try find the key at 'read me' file. Some games will see the key at this file.

Please try this popular key for installing the game:

Last try, ask your vendor or find at google.
